Amsterdamprijs voor de Kunst 2019
Amsterdam Prize for Art
(Amsterdamprijs voor de Kunst)
2019 winners announced
Visual artist Raquel van Haver, documentary maker Aboozar Amini and choreographer/artistic director of Dutch National Ballet Ted Brandsen are the winners of the Amsterdam Prize for the Arts 2019. This was made by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) on Tuesday afternoon 15 October from De Meervaart. The capital's most important art prize is awarded annually to artists of a special way to stimulate art, in and outside the city. Mayor Halsema awarded prizes.
Raquel van Haver | category Incentive price
Raquel van Haver stormed into the Dutch art world last year: in one year she won the Royal Prize for Painting and was given a solo exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Uniting is her great strength, not only in her work but also in real life. The jury is very enthusiastic about the active role that Van Haver takes within Amsterdam culture as a stimulator and connector of different species and generations. Having the right years in the axe and working, Van Haver has an important role model: she shows what you can achieve if you stick to your own roots and your own vision. It also relates to the world outside the Netherlands. And incorporated her influences into her paintings that every Amsterdammer, from whatever background, can feel connected to her work.